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Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Mad Ripple - "Death Bed Bride" video now available

Directed by Jennifer Prill and filmed on location at Kings Wine Bar (yes, I mention that wonderful place yet again), Jim Walsh's video for "Death Bed Bride" is now streaming exclusively on the HowWasTheShow YouTube Channel.

How many Kings regulars and employees can you identify? Featured prominently, of course, are Hootenanny staples Shawn Gibbons, Brianna Lane and Eliza Blue. And there is the requisite cameo by Martin Devaney (dressed up like Santa Claus.)

And I'm in it too. (I'm the guy at the end of the bar drinking wine and fiddling with my iPhone. And no, I was not acting. I really was checking my Twitter feed.)

"Death Bed Bride" is from the Mad Ripple's forthcoming album.