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Saturday, May 14, 2005

HowWasTheShow in Pioneer Press front page story today

Pop Music critic Ross Raihala has an article on the front page of today's Pioneer Press called "Sound Recovery," which makes a good case that the Twin Cities music scene is indeed in the early stages of another massive heyday.

For the article, Ross interviewed musicians, music biz folks, and journalists around the community, including me, Erik Appelwick of Vicious Vicious and Olympic Hopefuls, Sean McPherson of Heiruspecs, Steve Nelson of 89.3 The Current, and Kate Galloway of Vamp Music Source. Those interviewed cite increases in live show attendance, sizable chunks of money raised to support public radio, and more local bands achieving national exposure through tours, television and national label contracts.

I am honored to have been quoted on three separate occasions, and even being granted the closing quotation for the piece, "I think we're going to start to see more local acts get recognized and get national contracts. It's the start of a renaissance."

And anytime the papers print the URL, we are happy.

You can read the full article online here, but do pick up the messy paper and ink copy of the paper too while it's on stands as that's the only place you'll see the photos. (The paper is only a quarter, big spender.)